cna insider taipei metro
cna insider taipei metro

新加坡因為地鐵系統時常出包,希望向台北捷運公司取經,但其實新加坡的地鐵成立時間足足比台北早了9年,更曾是台北捷運的學習對象,何以今天兩者的角色 ...,ThewholegroupofseniorengineersresignedandtheywererecruitedintoTaipeiMetroasconsultants.Fromthesimula...

Tourists' favorite Second highest passenger traffic

XimenMetroStationrecordedaveragedailypassengertrafficof154,000in2019,secondonlytoTaipeiMainStation.AsurveybytheTaipeiCityDepartmentof ...

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北捷猛到外國來取經!新加坡官媒:北捷是「全世界最可靠的地鐵 ...

新加坡因為地鐵系統時常出包,希望向台北捷運公司取經,但其實新加坡的地鐵成立時間足足比台北早了9年,更曾是台北捷運的學習對象,何以今天兩者的角色 ...

CNA Insider - It went from sparking public anger with a...

The whole group of senior engineers resigned and they were recruited into Taipei Metro as consultants. From the simulators to the SOPs they are quite familiar.

Opening of Taipei Metro brings daily life changes

CNA's Media Lab presents this Taipei Metro Special for readers to see changes in passenger traffic at key stations and look back at how Taipei has changed ...

Tourists' favorite Second highest passenger traffic

Ximen Metro Station recorded average daily passenger traffic of 154,000 in 2019, second only to Taipei Main Station. A survey by the Taipei City Department of ...

How Taipei Metro Transformed Itself | Talking Point

It went from sparking public anger with a series of breakdowns - to becoming one of the world's most reliable subway systems.

CNA Insider 2024

In 2023, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore decommissioned about twelve 1st- to 3rd-generation fleets of North-South and East-West Lines ...

Xinyi Line reduces congestion on Taipei MRT network

Go to channel · How Taipei Metro Transformed Itself | Talking Point | CNA Insider. CNA Insider•33K views · 37:34. Go to channel · Riding the ...

How Taipei Metro Transformed Itself | Talking Point

It went from a series of breakdowns that roused public anger - to one of the world's most reliable subway systems, and the pride of Taipei ...

A Profile of Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation

How Taipei Metro Transformed Itself | Talking Point | CNA Insider. CNA Insider•33K views · 10:04 · Go to channel · Taipei MRT Blue Line Yongning ...


新加坡因為地鐵系統時常出包,希望向台北捷運公司取經,但其實新加坡的地鐵成立時間足足比台北早了9年,更曾是台北捷運的學習對象,何以今天兩者的角色 ...,ThewholegroupofseniorengineersresignedandtheywererecruitedintoTaipeiMetroasconsultants.FromthesimulatorstotheSOPstheyarequitefamiliar.,CNA'sMediaLabpresentsthisTaipeiMetroSpecialforreaderstoseechangesinpassengertrafficatkeystationsandlookbackathowTai...